It has been said that being poor in pocket does not mean being poor in mind, and that is something that the Ezinzile Trust takes as a truism. The Trust acts as a vehicle to assist the most academically gifted children to attend some of the best schools in South Africa despite their financial circumstances.
Tim Loughton, the Trust Founder, states that “the current educational system is clearly not working and is bleeding young talent. The cost to the country and to ordinary families who should be prospering is enormous. The Ezinzile Trust makes a tangible difference to a small but growing number of gifted children, and the impact is expected to increase in 2019”.
Arthur Mngxekeza, a founding Trustee, is a strong advocate of the programme at Bishops. Arthur gets actively involved in helping select the best candidates for the relatively few openings available.
According to Arthur, “the family environment is as important as the individual. The support needed to excel at the highest level, cannot be underestimated.” As a previous beneficiary of the Hamilton Mvelase Fund, Arthur is well aware of what it takes to thrive at an institution like Bishops, and is well placed to support both the families and young beneficiaries alike.
The Ezinzile Trust is actively seeking to increase its influence and urges all OD’s to make any contribution they can to the Hamilton Mvelase Fund. The impact is so very worthwhile.