Dear ODs
Notice is given of a Special General Meeting of the members of the Old Diocesans Union, the details of which are in full below or in the attachment HERE.
All ODs are entitled and welcome to attend.
Kind regards
The ODU Committee
Date: Thursday, 1 August 2019
Time: 6pm
Venue: Mallet Centre, Bishops
In accordance with Clause 8 of the Constitution the following 10 members request the meeting:
Member Name (House, Year)
Andrew Pickering (Founders, 1992)
Bovain Macnab (Gray, 1985)
Craig Wilson (School, 1982)
Gavin Fitzmaurice (Gray, 1984)
John de Groot (Gray, 1988)
John Dobson (Kidd, 1985)
Jonathan Shaw (Gray, 1997)
Martin Bey (Birt, 1990)
Richard Neville (School, 1995)
Steven Loubser (Ogilvie, 1995)
Addendum: Proposed Resolution
Preamble regarding the OD Union and its Secretariat
While the OD Union has an expressed Mission and supporting Objects, these must support the values of the school. Bishops’ values are enunciated in the school’s Vision and can reasonably be interpreted as being the values underlying humility, courage and respect. Bishops’ Vision urges us to nurture, value and inspire individuals. We regard these values as foundational to our conduct and that they take precedence over the business of the ODU.
We believe OD Union Secretary WP van Zyl (Kidd House) and head boy of the school in 1997, embodies these values by his conduct and example. This is the spirit of Bishops and is in accord with our understanding of good conduct and fair play.
Resolution: Loss of confidence in the current ODU committee and chair
The members present wish to show their support for the following statement and place this statement on public record:
“We are of the view that: the ODU Committee and chair have acted contrary to Bishops’ values and the spirit of fair play in their strategic oversight of the secretariat, culminating in WP van Zyl signing a separation agreement; and their conduct has proven divisive and displayed a failure of leadership. We have therefore lost confidence in the current ODU Committee and chair.”
Bishops’ Vision statement:
Bishops, Cape Town, a South African school, aspires to:
- live the Christian faith in the Anglican tradition, humbly and courageously
- respect, nurture and value each person
- inspire individuals to open their minds and hearts, and to reach their dreams
- offer a world-class, all-round education fully up to date with the best educational and
- technological advances
- address global issues including the sustainability of the environment both as part of the curriculum and as demonstrated in school operations
- embrace and celebrate diversity in the communities of our school and nation.
Guy Pearson
Pro Fide et Patria