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News > Passing of friends > DAVID (Fluff) Hawks – Reflections on a Truly Great Guy!

DAVID (Fluff) Hawks – Reflections on a Truly Great Guy!

We received this tribute to David Christopher Hawks (1966G) from Chris Le Mesurier (1966G)

Thank you to Chris for this lovely write up:

David was brave tough and fair , intelligent and positive of nature – I first experienced this when he was the “nuggety” scrum-half for Grey  House, at Bishops,  in the Inter-House competition in about 1962/3 when Gray beat Top House for the Junior Cup!   Yes, the Dayboys beat the Boarders, School House Nog Al! and David Hawks was our scrum-half!  My brother Tim was full-back.

David was a superb raconteur.    I was privileged to have been entertained by his earliest stories of experiences in the BSAP as we met occasionally at the Police Club in Salisbury, as it was then, circa ’67.   Stories so authentic, earnestly and honestly and entertainingly told.   The BSAP were privileged to have had such a Chap in their ranks – English taught the way only Doug Thompson could teach it, was evident whenever David (Fluff) Hawks told stories, and,  I am sure, in his Patrol Reports too.  

The BSAP (British South Africa Police, Rhodesia) has boasted a small contingent of OD’s within that illustrious “Band of Brothers”.   Since Trooper William Arthur Cary (OD  circa 1888/89/90)  joined the B.S.A. Company Police in 1891 aged 19 after being schooled at Bishops.   He was killed at the Battle of Imbebezi aged 21.    Fluff emerged, all these years later,  

as a leader amongst them.

He was also a thorough Investigator, and after short initiation “on the Beat” he soon excelled in the CID and then Special Branch.

He always held Bishops in high esteem wherever he went, as a proud OD Ambassador, with strong connections to the school through his Dad, Frank, who taught at Bishops way back in  the ‘30’s with my Dad, and his Brother Frank, who also went teaching in Cape Town after Bishops and for whom he also showed a great love.  

Here’s a lovely OD Story:  David (Fuff) had, in his tent, whilst on Operational Duties in the Zambezi Valley in the  early 70’s,  on a folding table  littered with Sitreps  etc, a copy of the OD MAGAZINE.   The Minister of Justice, Hilary Squires, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs,  PK Van Der Byl happened to enter his tent whilst on a “Goodwill Tour” of the Operational Area and spotted the Mag.   “Were you at Bishops?” they both asked in unison.   “Fluff”, as the Senior Officer in Camp, had been tasked with showing the VIP guests around, and entertaining them – they had one heck of an OD Re-union in the war-torn Zambezi Valley Bush!

In recent years Grace and I met up with David and Trish in Stanford and Napier, and more of his entertaining stories of those days always reflected his deep feelings for Bishops and those OD’s with whom he crossed paths during those illustrious years of his life.  Notable amongst those was Jannie Steenkamp and …………..others I cannot name right now.

Amongst the ranks of most genuine, honest, loyal and brave friends, David Hawks @ Fluff is tops!  

For being his supportive strength, Trish, we admire you and know where much of David’s strength  and fortitude came from.

The Sun has Gone Down over a Great Guy and We Shall Remember him.

Hamba Kahle Fluff!

Chris and Grace Le Mesurier – 12 January 2022

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