During September 2017 an invitation went out to the Bishops Community regarding the Launch of the Hamilton Mvelase Bursary Fund – the new bursary arm of the Bishops Trust’s 175 Campaign. The Bishops Trust’s vision is to produce leaders for a transformed society. This Bursary Fund is the primary donation channel for ODs and parents to support deserving boys. These are boys like Hamilton himself – talented, motivated and with the potential to make a big, positive difference in the world. Like Hamilton they would not ordinarily be able to afford to attend Bishops. Your collaborative or individual donation to the Hamilton Mvelase Bursary Fund will radically and proactively change this unhappy reality. As a direct result, your donation will help transform Bishops and shape our future leaders.
There are two distinct tiers of donation. Primarily, the “Extra Term Initiative” sees groups of current parents or ODs (such as year groups, or perhaps the Ten Club of a particular year) band together and commit to supporting a learner for the full five years of college – perhaps incorporating a few years beyond school. Carefully facilitated by the school (to established and tested criteria) this tier will allow the donor group access to the learner’s development, with the added benefit to the learner of mentorship and other post-school support opportunities. This is true, powerful upliftment and transformation in action – a continuation of a proud Bishops legacy. Secondly, but just as vital, is an ad hoc donations tier that allows ODs the opportunity to donate any amount, no matter how small. These can be one-off or legacy donations. They will go towards the central Hamilton Mvelase Bursary Fund, and thus not be linked to a specific learner. Please support your school’s future – a dynamic, diverse, future Bishops. If you would like to make an immediate difference, The Bishops Trust is now linked to Snapscan and you can make a tax deductible contribution by following
this link now. If you are unable to attend the event and would like additional information regarding Bishops Bursaries, please contact the Trust office at
trust@bishops.org.za or see