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News > ODs Around the World > Congratulations on being recognised for your long-standing relationship with Haileybury

Congratulations on being recognised for your long-standing relationship with Haileybury

Honorary Membership of the Haileybury Society for Nicky Bicket (1973F)


United Kingdom

Thank you to Nicky Bicket (1973F) for letting us know about this. Nicky writes:

For your information, I attach a letter inviting me to become an honorary member of The Haileybury Society. I was very pleased to have been asked and have accepted.

Haileybury and Bishops have a long and constructive association, probably most well-known for the fact that Anthony Mallett (Bishops Principal from 1964-1983) was a Haileybury Housemaster.

In 1976 an annual exchange programme was introduced between the two schools and I think I'm correct in saying that ever since then, a Bishops boy still attends the School for a term.

Niall Carroll (1981,O) had this to say about the connections between Haileybury and the ODU:

Very nice! Ian Pinnington, maths master at Bishops in the 1970’s and 1980’s, returned to the UK after his time at Bishops and taught at Haileybury. As I think did Gavin Watson, also a Bishops teacher during the 1980’s. 

Congratulations Nicky.

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