ODs are encouraged to connect using the ODU systems and people for two important reasons:
- ODs can make the most of connecting with other ODs and remain informed on OD News, Events and Initiatives. This will enable them to maintain friendships, gain support from the network or give support to it and be aware and participate where ODs and the Bishops Community are giving back to society.
- The ODU can maintain and improve the accuracy and completeness of the ODU database and thereby increase the value of the network ODs.
All data is held digitally and the tools referred to below are digital; they require a small amount of knowledge of online web tools. However, should anyone require direct assistance, the ODU office and OD Connectors (like club managers and OD Branch Secretaries) are there to assist; whether personally in matters or to assist to register online or to complete the data on OD profiles or join events.
A well connected OD should:
- Be registered with a login on www.odunion.com, and
- once activated, updates and confirms the personal details (like location, email address, preferred name etc.) the ODU has on record for them.
- ensures their current country, email address and phone number are up to date.
- adds a profile photo
- completes and updates as much of their profile as possible.
(being registered & active a basic need, please actively encourage this amongst ODs, but directing ODs to the site, for news, registration of events, getting support, engaging with the OD Network. The OD Office is now ensuring all school leavers are registered and have a login, but we have a backlog in historical years)
- Get professionally connected:
- Got a business: create a business profile here: www.odunion.com/business-directory (as we hit a critical mass of worldwide businesses, this functionality will develop into OD to ODs offers - ideally on an app). Businesses willalso be promoted on newsletters.
- Got a career and/or a Linkedin profile:
- Join the 'Business and Professional network': www.odunion.com/clubs/view/professional-network
- Look for a mentor or support in your field: https://www.odunion.com/careers
- Ask for help: The OD Office and Branch Secretaries are well connected: https://www.odunion.com/contact-us
- Write an article: On your business or on your project. The OD Office will check it for 'nasties' or spelling and will publish it. It may even be selected for newsletters. Click here and scroll down the page to: Share Your News
- Follow ODU news feeds and comment:
- Subscribe to ODU videos: www.youtube.com/channel/UCXohErNySAMrEJTyMSl5r8A/videos
- Open and Read Newsletters at least once a month.
- Be aware of, and engage with their Branch and Branch Secretaries.
- Become members of relevant Clubs and Interest groups: www.odunion.com/clubs
- Particpate in Events and Reunions.
The ODU news feeds and has a low frequency of articles. Advise and encourage ODs to connect as much as possible to make the most of the ODU Network, remain informed, and provide useful information.